
Diablo II Ladder Reset and 1.12a Patch - Nebu

The Diablo 2 Items ladder has been reset, wiping the slate clean and beginning the rush to be the first to level 99! In addition to the reset we抳e also released Diablo II patch 1.12a, which removes the requirement to have your Diablo 2 Items CD in the drive while playing. To download the patch either connect to Battle.net or visit our Patch Download page, and be sure to read the Patch Notes for further instructions

Diablo II Ladder Reset - Nebu
We will be performing a Diablo 2 Items ladder reset on June 17 beginning at approximately 9:00 a.m. PDT. The reset is anticipated to require approximately six hours of downtime to complete, and during that time all Diablo II Battle.net realms will be unavailable for play. When the reset occurs all existing ladder characters will be moved to non-ladder. This provides a fresh start and new competition for leveling supremacy on the ladder realm.

Diablo 2 Items Ladder Reset on June 25! - Nebu
We will be resetting the Diablo 2 Items ladder on June 25, 2007, beginning a new ladder season and providing a fresh start for those participating on the ladder realms. All current ladder characters will be moved to the non-ladder realm, and the ladder realm will re-open as a blank slate where all-new heroes can make their mark. Try out a new character idea, adventure with your friends, and race to be the first on your realm to reach level 99. The realms will be offline for approximately four hours during the ladder reset. Once the specific schedule for the reset has been determined, well post that information in the
